
China Daily News中国日报新闻APP





About China Daily

China Daily is the largest English newspaper in China,boasting an average daily circulation of more than 300,000 in about 150 countries and regions. In the United States,the United Nations, the White House and the US Congress are among our subscribers.

A bridge connecting China and the world, China Daily iPhone application let you access the latest information and photos of China wherever you go. Specifically designed to utilize the features and navigation of the iPhone, this application syncs and downloads the latest news of China and the rest of the world directly
to the device.


The updated China Daily news app for iPhone offers more news, pictures, and added video section. Faster, smarter navigation tools help users read what they want, when they want, wherever they are.

The new application was developed to address the needs of "on the go" users who want a more efficient way to find and share essential news and information about China and the world. Save articles for offline reading, customize news sections and share content through e-mail, message, Facebook or Twitter. Find content quickly and easily with our intuitive design and navigation tools. Our new app is optimized for iOS 4 and all previous versions, and is available on the iPhone and iPod Touch.
